
What to expect from the lab

The key priorities of the lab will be high quality science, mentoring and training, a supportive and collaborative environment, clear scientific communication, and above all, having a long-term positive impact on the society around us. 

You can expect Vijay to support your project, career goals, professional growth, and ensure lab funding. You can expect that Vijay will ensure a collaborative and supportive environment for everyone in lab. In return, the lab will expect you to work smartly, maintain the highest professional standards and research integrity, support your lab mates, and maintain a constant exchange of ideas. You can also expect that we will be a highly collaborative group both within and outside the lab. We actively maintain an environment in which everyone takes pride in everyone else's work. Above all, you can expect the lab to be fun :)

We are recruiting outstanding candidates at the following levels. Underrepresented minorities in science are especially encouraged to apply.

Postdoctoral fellow

If you are looking for a postdoctoral opportunity, please email Vijay with a description of your interests, your CV and the contact information for three references. Prior experience in at least one of these areas of expertise is required: two-photon microscopy, high dimensional analyses of neuronal data, extensive experience developing mouse behavioral tasks, molecular biology, in vivo electrophysiology, or, computer programming and electronics.

Graduate Student

If you are a UCSF graduate student interested in rotating in the lab, please send an email to Vijay.

If you are an applicant to the UCSF Neuroscience Graduate Program, please know that due to the volume of emails from interested applicants, Vijay will not be able to meet with any students prior to the interviews.

Undergraduate Researcher

If you are an undergraduate student at UC-Berkeley interested in conducting research in the lab, please email Vijay with your CV and a description of your interests.